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MAR​ 2025    Invited plenary speaker at the "Frontiers in Gravity and Fundamental Physics -- (YU Workshop 2025)", Yonezawa, Yamagata, Japan  


MAR 2025   Speaker at the "The Quantum Frontier of Machine Learning Workshop", Kavli IPMU, Japan


MAR 2025    Invited plenary speaker at the "UCLA Dark Matter 2025", USA


APR 2025    Invited plenary speaker at the "Dark Matter under the Gravitational Lens", Hong Kong


APR 2025    Invited plenary speaker at the "Big Data, Big Questions: The Future of Cosmological Surveys", Garching, Germany


JUN 2025    Invited plenary speaker at the "Back-Reaction Effects on Cosmological Observables", Ascona, Switzerland


JUL 2025    Invited plenary speaker at the "Dark Side of the Universe 2025", Montreal, Canada


JUL 2025    Invited keynote speaker at the "Workshop on the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (W(I)PMU)", Kavli IPMU, Japan 


JUL 2025    Invited plenary speaker at the Benasque 2025 workshop “Understanding cosmological observations”, Spain




FEB 2025    Colloquium at NAOJ, Tokyo, Japan




FEB 2025    Seminar at LeCoSPA, Taipei, Taiwan




JUN 2025    Invited panelist in Axions in Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweeden




DEC 2024    Invited speaker at Hitoshifest, Kashiwa, Japan


OCT 2024    Plenary speaker at the 4th “Asian-European-Institutes Workshop for BSM”, Shanghai, China


SEP 2024     Invited plenary speaker at the Dark Side of the Universe 2024, Corfu, Greece


AUG 2024     Invited plenary speaker at the Strong and Electro-Weak Matter 2024, Frankfurt, Germany


JUL 2024       Speaker at the Quantum Aspects of Inflationary Cosmology, Garching, Germany


MAY 2024      Invited plenary speaker at the Cosmology, Astrophysics, Theory and Collider Higgs 2024" conference (CATCH22+2), Dublin, Ireland. (canceled)


MAR 2024     Invited plenary speaker at the Unraveling the History of the Universe and Matter Evolution with Underground Physics, Sendai, Japan




AUG 2024     Invited lecturer at the EXPLORE school 2024, Frankfurt, Germany




DEC 2023 Invited speaker at the "Large‑scale Parity Violation Workshop", ASIAA, Taipei, Taiwan (cancelled)


NOV 2023 Invited speaker at "32nd Workshop on General Relativity and Gravitation in Japan (JGRG32)", Nagoya, Japan


NOV 2023 Invited speaker at the "Shanghai Assembly on Cosmology and Structure Formation" (SHACS), Shanghai, China


NOV 2023 Invited speaker at the "International Symposium on New Physics Beyond the Standard Model", Sanya, China


SEP 2023  Invited plenary speaker at the "Dark Energy from Fundamental Theories to Observations Conference", Frascati RM, Italy.


JUL 2023  Invited speaker at "SUSY 2023", Southampton, UK


MAR 2023  Invited plenary speaker at the "What is dark matter? - Comprehensive study of the huge discovery space in dark matter" workshop, IPMU, Japan


JAN 2023    Invited plenary speaker at the Early Universe Mini-workshop, Kobe, Japan




DEC 2022    (Virtual) Colloquium at the State University of Santa Cruz, Brazil




JUN 2023     Michigan Cosmology Summer School 2023. Course: Dark Matter Models. Michigan, USA


JUN 2023     ISAPP School "Quantum Fluid in the Universe" Pisa 2023. Course: Light dark matter search. Pisa, Italy




DEC 2023   (Virtual) Invited seminar at QSNET seminar


NOV 2023   (Virtual) Invited seminar at the Student seminar at the University of Bonn


JUL 2023    Invited seminar at Tokyo Woman's Christian University, Tokyo, Japan


JUL 2023    Invited talk and panel in the Brazillian Society for the Progress of Science, Brazil


MAY 2023    Invited seminar at CP3 Origins, Denmark


MAY 2023    Invited seminar at the High Energy Group at the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan


MAY 2023    Invited seminar at KEK, the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba, Japan


JAN 2023    Invited seminar at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan





DEC 2022    (Virtual) Invited plenary speaker at the CGC-YZU international Mini-Workshop
                     on Cosmology for excellent young scientists, China.


NOV 2022    (Virtual) Invited plenary speaker at the Kashiwa Dark Matter Symposium 2022, Japan.


OCT 2022    (Virtual) Invited plenary speaker at the VII Scalar Field Dark Matter Workshop, Mexico


JUL 2022     (Virtual) Invited plenary speaker at Cosmology from Home 2022


JUL 2022     Invited talk at the Kobe Workshop on Cosmology and Fundamental Physics, Kobe, Japan


JUN 2022     Invited speaker at SynCRETism 2022, Crete, Greece


APR 2022     (Virtual) Invited plenary speaker at CosmoSur VI conference, Córdoba – Argentina


MAR 2022     (Virtual) Invited plenary speaker at the "What is dark matter? - Comprehensive study of the huge discovery space in dark                              matter" workshop, IPMU, Japan





DEC 2022     Invited speaker at the colloquium at the Department of Mathematical Physics at the Institute of Physics, University of                                   Sao Paulo, Brazil


NOV 2022     Invited speaker at the colloquium at the Institute of Physics, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil (CANCELLED)


JUN 2022    (Virtual) Invited speaker at the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory Astrophysics Colloquium, China


MAR 2022    (Virtual) Invited speaker at the Nico van Kampen Colloquium at the Institute for Theoretical Physics at Utrecht                                               University, Utrecht, Netherlands





NOV 2022    III Encontro de Física Teórica GIFT - UNIFEI. Course: Dark Matter. Universidade Federal de Itajubá, Brazil


AUG 2022     (Virtual) IV Jaime Tiomno Physics School. Course: Cosmology. University of Sao Paulo, Brazil




NOV 2022    Invited talk at the Cosmology JC at the Insitute of Theoretical Physics, UNESP, and ICTP-SAIFR, Brazil


OCT 2022    Invited talk at RIKEN, Japan


MAY 2022    (Virtual) Invited speaker at the Astrophysical Seminars at INPE, Brazil


MAR 2022    (Virtual) Invited talk at the Astro Journal Club, University of Tokyo, Japan​


FEB 2022     (Virtual) Invited talk at the cosmology group at AIP, Potsdam, Germany​


FEB 2022     (Virtual) Invited talk at the National Observatory, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


JAN 2022     (Virtual) Invited talk at the ITP Cosmology Seminars, Heidelberg, Germany




DEC 2022    Invited talk at the Kavli IPMU x ICRR Joint Online Public Lecture: "The Forefront of the Exploration for Dark Matter", Japan




NOV 2021     Invited speaker at Astrophysical Windows on Dark Matter, British-German WE-Heraeus-Seminar, London, England


NOV 2021     Invited speaker at The accelerating universe 2.0, MIAPP, Garching, Germany


SEP 2021     Invited speaker at Hubble tension at MIAPP, Garching, Germany


AUG 2021     (Virtual) Invited speaker at COSMO 21


FEB 2021     (Virtual) Invited plenary speaker at the conference "Brazilian Meeting of Girls and Women in Astrophysics, Cosmology, and Gravitation", Brazil.




OCT 2021     (Virtual) Invited colloquium at the Oscar Klein centre colloquia, Stockholm University, Sweden


AUG 2021     (Virtual) Invited colloquium at UNIFEI, Brazil


JUN 2021     (Virtual) Invited colloquium Fluminense Federal University, Brazil




NOV 2021     (Virtual) Invited talk at the Copernicus Seminar​


OCT 2021     (Virtual) Invited talk at the Astrophysics, Gravitation and Cosmology Seminar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, US


AUG 2021     (Virtual) Invited talk at the gravBR seminars, Brazil


JUN 2021     (Virtual) Invited talk at IBS CTPU, Korea


JUN 2021     (Virtual) Invited talk at National Institute for Space Research (INPE), Brazil


MAY 2021     (Virtual) Invited seminar at Princeton University, Cosmolunch, USA


MAY 2021     (Virtual) Invited seminar at VLLT Physics & Astronomy seminar club


MAY 2021     (Virtual) Invited seminar at UFES, Brazil


APR 2021     (Virtual) Invited talk at the GECO group, Café Club, Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille, France


APR 2021     (Virtual) Invited seminar at the Astronomy Department UFRGS, Brazil




NOV 2020     (Virtual) Invited talk, Joint Tufts / MIT Tuesday Cosmology Seminars, USA.


NOV 2020     (Virtual) Invited talk, Sydney CPPC series, Australia.


OCT 2020     (Virtual) Invited seminar, Department of Mathematical Physics, Institute of Physics, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil.


MAY 2020     (Virtual) Invited talk at the Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences at University of Sao Paulo, Brazil.


MAY 2020     (Virtual) Invited talk at Fluminense Federal University, Brazil.


FEB 2020     Invited talk at Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan


FEB 2020     Invited speaker at "Cosmic acceleration" conference at Kavli IPMU, Japan, Ultra Light Scalar Field Dark Matter




DEC 2019     Astroparticle Seminar Max Planck Institute for Physics, Munich, Germany


DEC 2019     Invited talk at University of Amsterdam, Netherlands


NOV 2019     Invited talk at Swansea University, United Kingdom


SEP 2019     Parallel talk at COSMO 2019, Aachen, Germany


JUL 2019      Invited parallel talk at the 11th International Symposium Quantum Theory and Symmetry, Montréal, Canada


JUN 2019     Invited talk at the 2019 String Theory and Cosmology (GRS) Seminar, Barcelona, Spain


FEB 2019     Invited plenary talk at the FAPESP-JSPS Workshop, University of São Paulo, Unified Dark Energy and Dark Matter                                      Superfluid.



MAR 2018     North-East Cosmology Workshop, McGill University, Unified Dark Energy and Dark Matter Superfluid.


JAN 2018     Invited seminar, Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, Unified Dark Energy and Dark Matter Superfluid.




DEC 2017     Invited cosmology seminar, Fermilab, Unified Dark Energy and Dark Matter Superfluid.


JAN 2017     Invited particle theory seminar, Harvard University, Holographic Curvature Perturbations in a Cosmology with a Space-                                Like Singularity.


MAY 2017    McGill-Dartmouth Cosmology Day, McGill University, Early universe cosmology and dark energy: from the Big Bang to the l                          late expansion of the universe.




DEC 2016    Invited cosmology seminar, Perimeter Institute, Cosmological fluctuations in an AdS/CFT cosmology.


DEC, 2016   Invited talk at the Cosmology Journal Club, Perimeter Institute, Searching for Dark Energy.


JUN 2016    Invited seminar, Princeton University, Dark Energy from 21cm Intensity Mapping: the BINGO Telescope.


2013 / 2012 / 2011 / 2010


SEPT 2013 Cosmology and Quantum Gravity: Dark Matter, Dark Energy and Holography Workshop, Stability of an Interacting DE/DM                           Model with Yukawa Coupling.


JUN 2012   Cosmology Workshop, University of São Paulo, Brazil, Stability in Dark Energy Models.


SEPT 2011 Northeast Cosmology Workshop, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, The Trans-Planckian Problem in the Healthy                                       Extension of Horava-Lifshitz Gravity.


NOV 2010  I Symposium Mario Novello on Bouncing Models, Mangaratiba, RJ, Brazil, Horava-Lifshitz Gravity: From Minimal to the                                 General Covariance.


FEB. 2010  IX Workshop New Physics in Space, Campos do Jordao, SP, Brazil, Cosmological Perturbations and Structure Formation in                         Field Theory Model of Dark Energy and Dark Matter.


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